Monday, September 15, 2014

35 Weeks -- T-minus 30 days!

I'm completely amazed that I've come this far. As of now there are less than 30 days until I should be having my c-section, and realistically she could try to come on her own at any time between now and then. I'm so nervous and excited, wow, this really is the "home stretch"!

This week I've been feeling VERY, very tired. It is getting harder each day to find the strength to get off the couch or out of bed. That's probably due to her growing so fast and my weight gain going up more than ever. I've put on now 34 pounds and most of that has been in the last 4-8 weeks or so. My heartburn lately has been at an all time high, too. Throughout the night I'm being woken up even more frequently by not only her BIG stretching movements and having to use the bathroom every 2 hours, but also my dinner/bed time snack wreaking havoc on my chest. That is one symptom I will not miss!

She was great during my non-stress test today aside from being too active to get a good baseline heartbeat, which we eventually got after some extra time on the monitor. On the ultrasound she was very awake, opening both of her eyes WIDE and looking around, we could clearly see her pupils moving up and down and side to side :)! She also practically had her whole hand in her mouth and we could see her sucking on her fingers. And that hair, oh boy it looks longer every time they catch it!

Next week, 9 months!!

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