Yesterday was the very last ultrasound I'll be having to check on her growth. She is as cute as ever, with little to no room in Mommy to spare hehe, and very, VERY active. During the scan I got to see her stick her tongue out a few times, yawn, and suck on her bottom lip. It was the sweetest sight!
She is estimated to weigh 5 pounds and 5 ounces right now! My husband and I had a little bet on the weight, whoever was closest would win $5. He guessed 6 pounds (over-reaching there!) and I guessed 5 pounds 4 ounces, so I won! But, silly him, we have a jar that we put our extra money in that has a sealed top and he put my winnings in there! Oh well, next time I should specify whoever wins gets the money in-hand ;).
My specialist is very happy with how she is growing and how well-managed my blood sugar numbers are right now. Both of them have been right on target and at this point I'm back down to 1.5 pills before lunch and dinner, which is great because I would rather not need much medication. And even though he recommended me to be delivered at 37 weeks, I am going to be monitored so much at this point that we both feel much more safe as I get closer to delivering. If anything starts to feel out of the ordinary though I will be sent right in to have my c-section at this point.
My next big milestone is two weeks from now I will be having my cerclage stitch removed! I'm a little nervous about it being painful, but he assured me that it will be a little uncomfortable but it won't be as bad as I work it up to be in my head. He really understands my level of anxiety for every little thing we've had to do and I'm very grateful that he knows how to defuse my worries. The removal will also coincide with my monitoring so I will be looked after for a little bit after it's done, just in case I start to dilate or have any contractions (which I shouldn't, but you never know).
I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time! If I'm delivered on the 14th that is only 32 days away, wow!! Where has all of the time gone?
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