Symptoms: I'm very sleepy most of the day but thankfully my nausea only happens after I've eaten a LOT throughout the day and I go to lay down for bed. I've started to get the round ligament pains this week though. I've had a few sneezes that doubled me over but after a few deep breaths they go away. On the upside I've been able to actually COOK this week! I haven't cooked in months because of the smells and nausea but finally I've been able to get back to some of the things that I love :).
My husband has been one proud daddy and every day it shows more and more. When I picked him up from his trip he gave me a kiss and immediately went down on his knee to give the baby kisses. He also likes to reach out and touch my belly whenever and wherever. When we went food shopping I think he made a point to get belly rubs about 3 times. It warms my heart to see the smile return to his face after all that we've been through <3.
This brings me to something else that has been on my mind. I'm not a religious person by any means, but I do believe that my baby girl has given me many, MANY signs since she passed. I could literally go on for days about them. I also believe that in some way she has been watching over us and her little sibling. In January I posted in a private Facebook support group about a dream that I had and I felt she was in it:
"Still nothing and so far 3 negative tests... I set up an OB/GYN appt. for Feb. 5th in case nothing shows up by then though!
Last week I had a strange dream and heard a little girl giggling (I assumed it was my girl..) and then saw a man's face and he looked at me and said, "Happy birthday." It literally scared me awake and now I'm freaking out becauss my birthday is 4 days after the appt. I was given. Ahh it'd be amazing if that happened! I wanted to share the dream in case it came true lol!
Last week I had a strange dream and heard a little girl giggling (I assumed it was my girl..) and then saw a man's face and he looked at me and said, "Happy birthday." It literally scared me awake and now I'm freaking out becauss my birthday is 4 days after the appt. I was given. Ahh it'd be amazing if that happened! I wanted to share the dream in case it came true lol!
January 13 at 10:26am"
I got the impression from my dream that the man I saw was my OB, and that I would be pregnant for my birthday. Sure enough, I was in this exact position and told, "Congratulations, and happy belated birthday! Mine was the 7th!" a week after my first appointment. My logical mind can't wrap around a lot of things like this too easily but I fully feel that Evelyn let me in on our little gift early. Another interesting thing is that she lived for 1 month and 8 days... And I got my first positive test 1 month and 8 days after our wedding. Also, my due date with Evelyn was August 19th (2012), and this little one's due date is October 19th, and for both of them my weeks start(ed) on Sundays. It brings a tear to my eye to know that they are connected in these ways.
Tomorrow is my next ultrasound to check on our little bundle. I'll be posting pictures and hopefully videos later that day :).
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