Thursday, June 26, 2014

23+4 Weeks, Last Cervix Check!

My Perinatologist is very happy with how my stitch is holding up so after today we are completely done with the internal ultrasounds. The funneling from two weeks ago hasn't changed a bit. He said that it may just be the way my body is in that area because it hasn't changed since then and doesn't change with pressure on it, or when we do the internal exams it may just aggravate that spot and cause it to look slightly open there. It's great news though that at this point everything is looking so good. My cervix is actually around 4cm long right now, too, which is awesome!!

In 2 weeks I have one last abdominal ultrasound for quite a while, this one will be to check and see how Emily is growing. She was squiggling all over the ultrasound and kneeing me right in the bladder, which is always a nice feeling haha. Today she is transverse, which means laying from side to side, with her head a bit under my ribs on the right and her knees over on the left, and she is facing my back to I didn't get to see her pretty face today. I already knew she was over on my right side today though because when I woke up, my belly was completely lop-sided and she felt like she was curled up in a ball in that one spot. Interesting feeling!

I will keep seeing the nurses once a week for my shots, but I won't be seeing my specialist again for 13 more weeks. That will be when my cerclage is removed! And I will most likely be stopping the shots then, so yay! I will be 36 weeks and 4 days. By that time my OB and I will know exactly what we'll be doing as far as scheduling my c-section goes. I could be delivering at 37, 38, or 39 weeks (and 2 days, since they won't change my due date despite me knowing I ovulated 2 days early hehe). I'm hoping for 37-38 weeks but we will see how that goes soon enough. Wow, 13 weeks, there doesn't seem to be much time left to go!

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