Sunday, June 29, 2014

6 Months - Viability!

I had my worries that I would not reach this day, but here we are. Today is a bit emotional for me as I'm passing the stage that I had Evelyn. It's hard to describe. I'm so, so happy that Emily is doing so well and there are no signs of labor at this point, so our chances are looking good for making it to full term. But, I am sad that Evelyn didn't get to have this same chance. All I can really do is do my absolute best to make sure that we make every day special, because every day Emily is growing safely inside her comfy home is a day to celebrate. I know her big sister is watching over us <3.

I'm feeling really good this week, and aside from being a little uncomfortable when she is in a curled up position down low there is not much to complain about. Emily has been making my belly move and squirm now to the point where her Daddy and I can both watch her snuggle up. On Friday night she actually did a flip (like turning over onto her side or something) and shook my right side of my belly. Daddy was able to see it through my clothes and across the couch. It was a nice sight to see!

The only symptoms that I really don't like dealing with is this heartburn. To avoid being up all night I've been eating dinner much earlier before bed and avoiding eating anything that will trigger it after mid-afternoon (like tomato sauce and greasy foods). Thankfully it only really happens at night (for now!).

Another fun aspect is dealing with the Las Vegas heat that is getting more unruly by the day haha. We're coming into July now and it is no surprise for us to reach 110+ degrees outside, and right now we've been around 100-105 and so far it's been just so tiring to go anywhere outdoors. I'm making sure though that I'm toting around a LOT of water wherever I go!

At this point in my pregnancy I'm starting to work on her nursery and figuring out a baby shower. I cleaned out my sewing room and moved everything into our bedroom so that she will have her own room and in about 2-3 weeks we'll be painting the nursery a pretty color purple and giving it some time to dry before putting anymore furniture in there. I have a twin bed that has been in that room though for guests but that bed will now be for me when I'm up at night with her. I know a lot of people say to keep her in our bedroom, but with the manual labor that my husband does I don't feel right keeping him up as much as I'll be awake at night, only to send him to work to use heavy machinery. He can certainly stay awake if he'd like to but if he needs his uninterrupted sleep that will be best for his safety and I'm happy to give him that :).

The baby shower has been interesting to figure out. I originally had the idea of going to one of our favorite restaurants and renting their party room, but as it turns out they JUST had a small fire in there this weekend and they won't have it fixed in time for when we asked for it. What kind of timing is that?? It's okay though, we'll find a nice place (with air conditioning!) to get everyone together! I'm hoping to have it when I'm around 28-30 weeks so we have enough time to get the nursery and house ready for her arrival.

It's all happening so fast!

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