This was taken at 27+4 weeks right before going to the specialist for my shot and to have another meeting with the dietitian:
And this was taken on Sunday morning at 28 weeks:
I swear she must be gaining a good amount of weight because my belly is getting bigger each day and gaining some attention. One guy said to me on the way into the store last week, "Woooow, how many??" and pointed to my belly. Um. I'm pretty sure I don't look THAT big yet haha but it was the first time anyone's ever said that to me. And I still have at least 10 weeks to go before delivery!
As far as my blood sugars go, this week has been not so good. I'm following my meal plan as best as I can and it keeps going up and up after each meal. The highest I've caught it was 171, and it almost never goes below 120 now, which is where they want me to be. My dietitian told me, though, that each week it will be a little harder to control the diabetes because of the baby's placenta getting bigger. If it keeps staying high after meals I may have to go on insulin injections or some kind of medication (which does NOT sound fun!).
I was also told that around 32 weeks I will be going in twice a week for fetal monitoring (checking amniotic fluid levels, contractions, I'm assuming baby's growth and how she's doing as well). The one thing that surprised me was she said I should have a bag packed by then and stashed in my car, just in case there is anything that shows up on the monitoring that will send me into the delivery room right from the office. So WOW it could happen that fast! I'm keeping my fingers crossed TIGHT that we have no problems and I can make it to at least 36 weeks (when my cerclage comes out) and best case scenario 37-38 weeks.
In other news, nesting is in full force and I'm having a hard time stopping myself from moving and organizing everything in the house hehe. I'm going to really try to keep myself out of the nursery until after our baby shower because honestly I don't know what else there is to do in there, but I'll end up finding something to fix! It can stay put for a little while :).