Yep... My test came back just over the limit for a positive result. I'm actually not too surprised because I've been craving and giving in to much more sweets these last two months. Carrot cake, brownies, cookies, chocolate chips, donuts... I'm pretty much at fault here hehe considering all of this has probably contributed to my 23 pounds of weight gain (not like I look very different). So right now my specialist has me on a restricted diet until I see their nutritionist next Thursday for a real game plan. No sugars, limit the pastas and breads (NOOOO!), and I'm going to try and eat lots of lean proteins and veggies (and small portions of fruit). We'll see if that helps! He's pretty confident that I will be able to manage everything very well with a little change in diet. A few months of clean eating is a small price to pay for a healthy body and baby!
Speaking of which, our ultrasound went very well! Emily is a little piggy now weighing in at 1 pound 11 ounces and about 13 inches long. She is head down and loving my right side. All of her bits and pieces look great :). And very cute little feet too!
I will have another growth ultrasound in 4 weeks and this time I will have a monitor to watch for contractions. He said that if I were to for any reason go into labor or have more than a few contractions in an hour (that don't go away with rest/water) before 35 weeks to go right to the hospital and they will give me medication to stop the labor. BUT, if I were to have this happen after 35 weeks, it will be delivery time! The same goes for if I'm having ANY painful pinching/pulling/tearing pains around my scar, I will have to go in and be checked for labor signs or thinning scar tissue. I'm very happy that I'm in good hands with these doctors, because if I wasn't I'd be a complete worried mess!
Also their average length of time from cerclage removal to labor is 17 days. So I'm going to especially be on the lookout then! I'm counting down now 11 weeks until the stitch is removed so in my mind I have to get moving on getting everything ready at home :). I'd rather get ready little by little than all at once near the end, no need to send myself into labor that way!
Next week, third trimester!
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