Tuesday, July 22, 2014

27 Weeks

This week I've been feeling much more movement than ever. It's amazing to me that in the last 8 weeks I've gone from feeling tiny little thumps through my belly to full-on karate chops. Seriously, I think she has a black belt!

I'm just a few days away from my next "milestone" now, 28 weeks. Then I will be 7 months and Emily will be about 14 inches long and roughly 2.5 pounds. If for any reason she were to be born at 28 weeks her survival rate would be greater than 90% with NICU assistance. She's getting stronger and bigger every day and at this rate I'm very hopeful that we will be able to make it to full-term :).

This week we got our crib delivered and Daddy put it all together himself. He did a wonderful job. I have to admit I shed a tear seeing her nursery. I still can't believe that we have come this far.. Her room is nearly ready for her arrival, and I can't wait for the moment when I get to lay her down in her crib. I also chose her pediatrician on Monday! My to-do list is getting smaller but the anticipation of her birth continues to grow!

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