Monday, May 19, 2014

18 Weeks

Sunday marked 4 1/2 months :).

I am getting noticeably bigger every week now, and my husband enjoys pointing that out lol! I can no longer fit into any of my jeans comfortably and I have a little bit of a waddle walk. This week has also brought me a LOT of energy, I actually was able to clean the whole kitchen from top to bottom for the first time in months, and it felt great! Baby is doing well and every now and then I get a good thump from her in my belly, but with having an anterior placenta (in the front instead of the usual place on top/in back of the uterus) it makes it much harder to feel movements right now unless they are very strong or out to the side, almost like there is a pillow between her and the outside world. She's gotten me pretty good a few times though so I can't complain <3.

On Thursday we will have our anatomy ultrasound as well as my blood test and third Progesterone shot. I can't wait to see her again!

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