Saturday, May 10, 2014

It's a GIRL!

To my complete surprise, my gut intuition was very wrong this time! We're having another girl!

She was very open about showing us her parts, but she decided to keep her pretty face completely hidden hehe. She was facing my spine and had both hands up on either side of her face, almost as if she were saying, "SHH I'm trying to sleep!" The ultrasound tech told me to try and cough or poke my belly a little to get her to flip over, but she was being stubborn (Me? Have another stubborn little girl? Of course not!). We did get a little peek at the side of her nose and her ears. That's okay, she has lots of photoshoots as it is and deserves a little break!

My husband and I are beyond thrilled with the news. Even though I was hoping for a boy because that was what I felt my gut was telling me, maybe I was just scared to have another girl for some reason. All I know is that this little darling is being well looked after by her big sister and if she were here I know they would be inseparable <3.

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