Monday, May 5, 2014

4 Months!

I'm officially in my fourth month of pregnancy. I'm so excited that every day is a day closer to this baby being born (in October, and not any sooner, you hear me baby?!).

I can no longer wear my jeans without using a hairband to hold them together hehe. My belly is feeling a little hard to the touch now, and my hips and pelvis aches a LOT after any duration of walking, most likely from round ligament pains. I'm still taking it easy though. When it comes to my cerclage I don't even feel it anymore, which is a relief after about two weeks of consciously feeling it. My appetite is out of this world, if it's in front of me, I will most likely be indulging in it! Also I am feeling little squirms here and there from our little one and some thumping but not enough to consider them big kicks just yet :).

Last week I was trying to set up a better time with my specialist for my appointment this week so that Daddy could make it for the gender ultrasound. As it turns out, the people at the front desk who set me up with the appointment were WRONG that this week would include the anatomy ultrasound, and when they asked my specialist he said he would feel more comfortable waiting until 18+ weeks for that scan. I'm not angry with them for being wrong, but I was very annoyed that I had gotten my hopes up for Dylan to be there with me for this one only to find out that I'd be waiting an additional two weeks. My visit this Thursday will only be a cervix check, blood work and my 17P shot.

The good news is that we ended up calling our local Miracle in Progress ultrasound place and they will be giving us a 3D scan this Saturday for the gender! Some family will be there and we will all get to watch this cutie squiggle and squirm and hopefully if they are not shy we will be knowing which name we will be using!

The poll is leaning towards boy, 11 to 7. Only 5 more days until we find out :).

Guess Our Baby's Gender


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