Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Very Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday and I am so thrilled to be able to celebrate with this little one in my belly :). My other half and I spent some of our day telling close family members the news. Some people may think that it's "bad luck" or unusual to share the news this early, but from the moment that first pink line showed this baby was loved. I did the same with Evelyn, I actually told everyone at just about 5 weeks.

My husband (Dylan) has been joking with me all day today about my food cravings. Dylan is a spicy food addict and I (usually) can't even handle mild spicy food, but with that said for the past two weeks I've been craving hot, hot, HOT food. Today I ate some of the hottest cheetos I've ever had and didn't even bat an eye, and I kept eating more and more, even Dylan said they were a little hot for him and he was staring at me asking me where the old me went haha. Later on we made homemade salsa that was also very spicy and I ate a huge amount of that as well. Because of this craving we were joking that this baby is going to be a boy and take after his eating habits. So after abusing my taste buds for a few hours I asked him to tell my belly to take a break with these cravings, and he said, "Baby boy Dylan, you can eat whatEVER you want!" It made me burst out laughing!

My symptoms for today have kind of knocked me over. I'm exhausted and from head to toe I feel sluggish. My headache is still there as a dull aching feeling. My cravings have been all over the place and I discovered that I'm actually kind of put off by sweets (which I usually LOVE). My tummy has been cramping every now and then, it just feels like stretching, and my belly is still very puffy. By the looks of things it would seem like I'm much further along than I really am, some clothes are actually tight already. With Evelyn my belly was very puffed out already at 5-6 weeks, but I look like I did at 10-13 weeks today. We'll know for sure how far I am soon enough!

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