Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My 5th Week

I'm so happy to be progressing nicely with this pregnancy. I will still have to wait until my next ultrasound to be 100% positive that everything is okay, and trust me I will worry every minute until then, but in the meantime I'm welcoming every symptom as a sign that baby is growing nicely.

On Sunday I decided out of curiosity (and not wanting to waste an expensive test) to use the second weeks estimator pregnancy test from the box to see if I've moved up to the 3+ weeks mark. Surprisingly I did! Even though I was technically 4 weeks and 5 days (so 2+ weeks from ovulation), I still believe that I am just a few days further along but these tests are not perfect and can be off by a few days as well :).

So reassuring <3.

Yesterday I hit the 5 week mark and I've noticed that my super bloated belly has gone down a little bit which is great. Less water retention means more real belly to see soon :).

My symptoms have become more noticeable this week. My back hurts here and there especially after a long walk. Once in a while my belly will cramp up but that feels like more stretching and not really painful. My head feels like it's constantly under water too and I've been getting some more nausea. Nothing to terrible though! The most uncomfortable symptom is the fatigue. I've slept 12 hours today and woke up wanting to go right back to sleep, and for the past few afternoons my body wanted to nap but I had too much to do to allow it hehe.

I'm also super excited about the fetal doppler that my mom ordered for me. It came in the mail yesterday afternoon and even though I know baby is way too small to find their heartbeat right now (the heart may or may not even be formed just yet) I immediately opened the box and tested it out. My heartbeat sounds pretty nice from the inside, I hope baby enjoys it for as long as possible :). I've looked up videos on Youtube of women using this and some have found the baby as early as 7-8 weeks, so hopefully I'll be able to find baby soon!

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