Friday, February 7, 2014

My First Positive Digital!

I have been so nervous and worried from all of the stories I have heard that because I tested so early that this baby may be what is called a chemical pregnancy. That is when you get a very faint positive home test and eventually lose the baby very early. Thankfully I took two more tests today and one was MUCH darker than the last (which shows a good hormone progression!) and the other was my very first ever positive digital test.

At that point I let out a sigh of relief, I think I'll be just fine. I showed my husband and today finally convinced me that there is a little baby growing in my belly. The digital test took about 3 minutes to finally show up, but as soon as it showed positive I jumped up and down screaming with happiness!

As far as my symptoms go, I've had a constant warm face and neck (but FREEZING hands and feet) as well as a headache for the last few days. My temperature has been back down to somewhat normal though at 98.8, but the day before my first positive it was so high at 99.7. Today I've been pretty forgetful and ditsy but really that's nothing really unusual for me haha. My belly has been very bloated and there are "bubbles" here and there, along with some tugging and cramping feelings every now and then. And I don't want to forget the stuffy/runny nose, ack!

Today was also my birthday dinner with my mom's side of the family. My birthday is on Sunday but this is a WONDERFUL early birthday gift <3 <3!

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